Monday, May 28, 2007

Young People these Days

A few days ago there was a shooting in a Toronto school which ended with a 15 year old dead. A few days ago there was a 13 year old kid was stabbed in Vancouver and died on route to the hospital. Both of these acts were committed by 'young offenders' which leads to the questions: What is wrong with the young people today and Why are they allowed to get away with this?

The shooting in a Toronto school is 'shocking' -- It is unlikely that any student walks into a school thinking that some maniac is walking around with a gun for shear thrills. What makes this story that much more 'interesting' is that "the two [seventeen year old] suspects were friends of the victim." The Vancouver stabbing is no less shocking than the Toronto shooting. A 13 year old boy gets stabbed by a 15 year old (the actual report claims there were 10 youth there between the ages of 13 - 15) over a girl AND the kid wasn't even involved!

This leads to the question of how young is to young to be tried as an adult? For a young offender
the harshest sentence for something like the above is 10 years in the custody of someone. This is rarely the case anyways because kids "don't know any better." As a child, if I cut myself with a knife, it usually hurt and I wouldn't do it again. One burns them self with fire they usually do not do it again. Its a learn from trial and error. Implicitly one should know that if you're shot with a gun or stabbed repeatedly its likely that you'll die. So how young is too young? Luckily if the convict is over 14 they are able to be charged as an adult in severe offenses. The brother of mine is 12. He knows what happens, he knows the consequences to his actions and he would never do something like that.

The bottom line is young'ens of today need to learn to accept the consequences of their actions. You play with fire, you're likely to get burned. Three years of sitting in a support group saying to yourself "I made a mistake and as a result Johnny's dead" doesn't do much. Three years says, "Hey I'm free, sorry Johnny but I'm gonna move on with my life."


Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Survival Guide to Life


Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become bitter or vain, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive [It] to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

- Max Ehrmann (1927)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Birthmas

First and foremost, this blog is I suppose dedicated to Mr. G as he wanted me to record the minutes of my day (possibly for his enjoyment and what not).

So today was really just like any normal day. Sure I'm 19 - big deal. I woke up this morning bright and early because somehow the dog was in my room and was barking at the door and wanted out. After all that fun and dandyness I cleaned some toilets and then it was off to work. Work was lame and incredibly pointless. I dont understand why I was even there. I basically got paid to do nothing. Not that I'm complaining but I was bored... more so than usual.

Stacy and Chris got there at 4:00. On time I suppose you could say ... but then again I was bored and doing nothing. My fault however, I didnt call them to tell them to come earlier and I suppose they utilized that time to their advantage. We drove to grandmas and then we drove to mommys work to pick her up. She back seat drove all the way home.

We chillaxed here. Watched a couple of weebls stuff cartoons and Chrisypoo played the piano. Stacy got a hold of the label maker. I was the "BIRFDAY BOI", she was "DIXIE (NORMOUS)" and I believe she made Chris shaken not stirred... or was it stirred not shaken. Eddy and Shanna showed up and it was more labels. Eddy recieved two from Ms. Stacy: "The secret level makes me :(" and "Tube = Yes"

We ate, talked and mingled as other people came and ate. Then we played with Kathleens Wii. Chris stole (borrowed) another think from me - for noting purpose of myself. Lots of fun I suppose and very dangerous. To quote, "Videogames Cause Violence" says one as he punches stacy in the arm.

Chris and Stacy had to leave first. Thats what you get for living on the hill. They were called just the moment that they got out of the house to tell them that busses werent going up the hill anymore. We walked to the bus stop anyways and they were trying to come up with some plan in which they would get back up to their abodes. We waited and waited for a long time at the bus stop. In boredom we threw many balls of snow around, one which I had pegged stacy in the head with. Did someone say mad? Finally the bus came as I told them I would drive them. Then on my walk back Kayla was walking to the bus stop so I spent a little more time in the cold.

After a while it was just Shanna, Jess, Eddy and I once again. We talked for a bit ... till 5:00 am. Then as Eddy went home, and Jess and Shanna sleep I cleaned my house and wrote this thingy.

Needless to say, I didnt do any of that crazy 19 year old stuff everyone raves about. I'm just glad I got to spend a little time with a coworker who I only otherwise see when it involves physics, a welsh guy I hardly ever see / even have the time to drop a line with anymore, a girl I see once in a blue moon, and a whole bunch of others who needless to say arent stressing over school. Basically thats all I could ever have wanted.

Huzzah, Thanks Guys.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Back to the Dark Ages...

What a week: No internet, Term Papers galore, and storms galore. Its sad how dependent we have become on everything. One week without the internet was almost indescribable. Its sad to think how we used to live without it. Then I got it back and it wasn't news, just the same old its here. Perhaps its just one of those things that I need but not really. Needless to say its hard to be in computer science and not have computers to work with.

Then came the power issues. My home was lucky, the report was delivered to me via my cell phone: 'We lost power for about 8 seconds but then it came back' Not so happy for everyone else. SFU Surrey's power was out for 2 days, Leigh got her power back at 3:40 in the morning when it set off her alarm and Shaz ... well she lost her power for the second time now. Then there was the bus service, it took me 2 hours to go 24 blocks down Fraser Highway. This is because people cant understand the four way stop concept. Then that got me thinking, why don't they have portable traffic lights on battery power for this purpose. Its sad that people need to be told what to do... and yet its quite humorous standing on the curb watching stupidity come out in massive amounts.

On another note I dished out some money for the next Family Guy Season which I want to have children with.

But Alas I must say I am disappointed that advertisement dates are just dates and not deadlines. I so could have my FF III right now!... STUPIDNESS! Oh yes I'm also disappointed on the current level of technology. Seriously, what have we been doing the last 10 years, picking our noses?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Infinite Improbability

Amusing I find it when there is all this work that needs to be done and one claims that 'there isn't enough time in the world' to get those things done and yet EVERYONE always seems to finish. A daunting truth that always amuses me.

Take for instance my past week: So much has happened that it has kept me distracted. You would think that people would prioritize - School comes first (I always say) and yet not once have I put my work down for work / picking up shifts or even volunteer activities that clearly take their toll on sleep time and what not.

Then taking into account life in general. Understaffed already and the person with my position contracts mono. Sad for him I must say but also no income for at least a month. Or take for instance something totally indirect like a person from high school (whom is a neighbor) happens to have been "released from the hospital to die at home". The guy wasn't the greatest of people to me and yet the way I was told about the situation (which I may add would have rather been ignorant towards) made it seem like it was my fault and I need to do something about it.

Then comes life's little distractions. Prime example: Final Fantasy XII. I swore I would put it off and yet I've racked 12 hours on the game and I've had it since Friday night and I worked all Saturday. Then comes the necessities like eating, bathing and sleeping (just another 15 minutes... 15 times) and really you have NO time. Somethings gonna come up, improbable perhaps and yet very probable. Then comes the complaining, OH MY GOD I HAVE NO TIME, NO FUN NO NOTHING NEVER EVER AGAIN SCHOOL IS THE DEVIL MY GPA !!!!! etc. And yet people are out having fun: dancing, drinking, dining, something not what one was to do in the first place.

Then they come up to you, "Did you study, how can you not have studied. Its a big test. How could you not have studied" but their claim of study is cram. Who studies anymore? Its always cramming. Then they question my habits. Sorry guys, I deem it pointless to cram study. If you didnt get it then and you dont get it now, you wont get it and why take time learning old stuff when the newer stuff is a) more applicable and b) is based on the older stuff. oh, and this paper stuff... I wrote an 11 page paper on Snells one liner law and I raped that into the ground.

2.5 Hour Science Paper vs. 'I'm dying trying to get my arts degree' Paper.

I got a 7 page EASC paper, A complete MACM Assignment and a Linear Algebra review done on Saturday... and I worked Saturday. Maybe I should get that arts degree.